I) About Gua Sha
Gua Sha is originally a body treatment rooted in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) that has been used to treat muscle pain and tight muscles by applying pressure with the Gua Sha Tool. In recent years, Gua Sha has gained popularity for its benefits for the face, where the treatment involves scraping a flat jade or rose quartz stone over the skin in upward strokes to relax stiff muscles and promote tissue drainage.
Gua Sha has various benefits, including:
Sculpts facial muscles
Relaxes facial tightness
Softens fine lines and wrinkles
Stimulates circulation
Minimizes puffiness
Reduces dark circles
Decreases inflammation
II) How to use a Gua Sha tool
Gua Sha is safe to use daily - in fact, you will see the most results with frequent, daily use. Before starting your treatment, always make sure that your tool is clean, otherwise you may transfer bacteria to your skin.
Gua Sha can be used both on dry, clean skin as well as with a lotion or serum to help the tool glide better. Start out by dividing your face into two parts along your nose. Starting at your nose, work your gua sha tool outwards. Make sure you use gentle pressure. Don’t rub the tool back and forth as it will only stretch the skin - instead, use feather-like, gentle strokes as you move the tool outwards in a straight line. Do the movement repeatedly until you see some redness form, but not so much that it hurts. Once you are done with one side of your face and forehead, repeat it on the other side as well.